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When your child is in our care, there will always be a staff member with current training in age appropriate CPR and First Aid present. The program director is responsible for assuring our first aid kits are fully stocked with all of the necessary supplies. Each classroom is equipped with a first aid kit accessible. If a minor emergency such as small cuts, bumps, bruises, or sprains occur then we will take action as specified in our first aid training. All actions taken and treatments given will be recorded on an incident report and filed in your child's file.

Medication Management

All medication will only be given to the child with prior written consent from the parent or legal guardian.

  • All medications must be in the original container labeled with the child's full name, name of medication, dosage, frequency, and duration.

  • All medications will be stored in a locked cupboard in the kitchen or in a locked box in the refrigerator.

  • All medications will be inaccessible to children, separate from staff or household medications, protected from contaminate, and under proper temperature control.

  • A record of all medications will be maintained in a log book in the kitchen. The medication records will contain the following: child's name, name of medication, dose, and the time given.

  • Unused medications will be returned to parents.

  • Any child that has a condition where the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies, Adventures in Learning will make reasonable accommodations and give the medication to your child.

Redirection / Discipline 

Here at Adventures in Learning we provide a large range of learning experiences while also seeking to promote each child's development with appropriate social behavior, self control, and respect for the rights of others. We use both indirect and direct guidance techniques. If a child's behavior becomes hazardous to another child then we will immediately remove them from the situation. This "think it over time" will give the teachers the opportunity to help the child understand why the behavior is inappropriate and needs to be changed. In extreme circumstances where a child seems unable to discontinue undesirable behavior, the director will require that the child  should be removed from the classroom until the parents can confer with the school and decide upon a joint home and school plan of action to correct the behavior. 

Teachers at Adventures in Learning will not use corporal punishment under any circumstances. No form of corporal punishment is allowed on the premises by anyone, including parents.

Reporting Child Abuse

The staff at Adventures in Learning are required by Washington State Law to report immediately to police or Child Protective Services at any instance when there is a reason to suspect the occurrence of physical, sexual, emotional abuse, child neglect or exploitation. We may not be able to notify parents when such call is made, depending on the recommendation of Child Protective Services.


The parent will receive a monthly newsletter from the child's teacher, the letter will include the theme for that month along with the different activities the child had participated in as well as the snack menu. We also have a parent board where all the letters that are sent home are posted along with the teacher schedule, menu and immunization requirements. 

It is our hope that quality of care and clear communication with parents will provide your child with the best opportunities for success. 

Child's Health Guidelines

Your child's health is very important to us. At the discretion of the teachers and other children, your child may not be admitted to our center or may be sent home if any of the following symptoms of illness are presented.


  • Child has a fever of 100 degrees or higher 

  • Has one or more of the following symptoms: diarrhea, ear ache, sore throat, rash, signs of irritability or confusion.

  • Diarrhea three times or more, water stools within a 24 hour period, bloody stool, or vomiting two or more occasions within the 24 hour time period.

  • Eye discharge or conjunctivitis (pink eye).

  • Lice and scabies -no nits policy

  • Strep throat

  • Chicken pox - until the sores have drained and crusted.

  • Feeling of fatigue which prevents child's participation in regular activities. 

  • Runny nose, coughing, or difficulty breathing.


A morning and afternoon snack will be provided to each child, the snack menus will be posted on your monthly newsletter, parent board and website.

  • Please make the center aware of any and all food allergies your child may have.

  • Please be sure that your child has an adequate amount of food and that it is of nutritional nature.

State licensing requires us to monitor each child's lunch for safe preparation, storage and nutritional adequacy.


A nutritious, well-balanced lunch is to be provided by the parents, the following is a list of lunch suggestions:

Sandwiches: Tuna, ham, turkey, cheese, almond butter with jelly, almond butter with honey, egg salad.

Or for a change: Yogurt, cheese and crackers, meat chunks, soup, spaghetti, quesadilla.

Vegetable and fruit: Broccoli, celery sticks, orange slices, bananas, mixed fruit, apples, pears, grapes, melons.

Drinks: Milk, 100% fruit juice, water.

Goodies: Raisins, granola bars, trail mix, graham crackers, pretzels, variety of chips/crackers. 


Birthdays are a very special and important occasion! You are more than welcome to bring cupcakes or cookies to share with your child's class.

Clothing and Shoes

We ask that children arrive wearing comfortable, washable clothes that are suitable for active and messy play. It is important for kids to feel free to become involved in any activity. The clothing needs to be easy for your child to get on and off for bathroom independence and closed toed shoes.

Personal Items and Toys

Adventures in Learning has carefully selected toys and equipment for all children so it is not necessary to bring toys from home but it is not frowned upon either. 

We do have specific days for show and tell so your child will be able to bring a special toy to share on those days. Please make sure you look to see when your child's day for sharing is. 

Each child will need to bring a water bottle, blanket, and an extra pair of clothes! 

If your child is still being potty trained then wipes, pull-ups, and ziplock bags will need to be brought for proper changing measures.


Photographs are taken of the children for the use of the classroom, crafts, and our website. Parents will be notified for their written consent prior to any use of photographs for publicity purposes.


Every child must be signed in and out during drop-off and pick-up. The sheet will require the parents to sign their full legal signature and note the time your child's arrival and departure. Under no circumstances will your child be permitted to sign themselves in or out. Adventures in Learning will only release your child to adults authorized on the authorization pick up form, unless given a written authorization to release your child to another adult. Teachers and administrators will ask for verification of identity upon arrival. 


If we as a center feel we are unable to meet the specific needs of a child, we will ask the parents to seek care elsewhere. This could occur if the child is a threat to others or self.

*If you would like more information about our guidelines please call or email us!

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